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Tissue Level Precision Implant (TL1TM)

Transgingival Multiunit, Multifunctional Implant TL1.
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TL1 – Tissue Level Precision Implant

Transgingival Multiunit, Multifunctional Implant TL1.

Pink Anodized Concave Design

  • The PINK ANODIZED concave neck and platform switch provides superior aesthetic integration.
  • The CONCAVE DESIGN allows optimal biologic space and promotes healthy regeneration of soft tissue.
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Connection Design

The RESTORATION CONE design allows for an insertion path of up to 45°.

Restoration Cone

The RESTORATION CONE design allows for an insertion path of up to 45° and TLI prosthetic connection is designed to ensure optimum torque transmission and allows for screw-retained, cement-retained or removable prosthesis.

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Angled Grip

The ANGLED GRIP design allows an angled entrance of the screwdriver from 0° to 25° and aids in retention of the screw during insertion.

Longer Prosthetic Screw

A LONGER PROSTHETIC SCREW aids in the seamless insertion of the prosthesis.


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We place a premium on the science behind our products and are at the forefront of education with live surgery courses from 1-day surgical to 3-day live patient courses.

Lifetime Warranty

Ditron Dental provides a lifetime warranty for all its dental implants and prosthetic components when used in accordance with the supplied Instructions for Use (IFU) and the company’s protocols.